How to Improve Your Health and Well-Being

When it comes to improving your health, what you eat is a major factor. Exercise can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and colon cancer. Limiting the amount of alcohol you consume is also beneficial. If you're looking for a way to add physical activity to your day without having to set aside time for exercise, climbing the stairs is a great option.

Research has shown that people who eat faster are more likely to be overweight than those who eat more slowly, particularly in middle-aged women. It's important to look at the total number of calories in a product, not just in one serving (which is usually what is indicated on the label).A health survey of over 65,000 participants found that those who ate seven or more servings of fruits or vegetables per day had a 42% lower risk of death from any cause than those who ate less than one serving per day. However, it's best to choose fresh produce as frozen and canned fruits can increase the risk of death by 17%. The recommended amount of sleep for adults for better health is 6 to 8 hours per night.

Studies have shown that people who sleep less than 7 hours a night are 12% more likely to die prematurely, while those who sleep more than 8 to 9 hours a day have a 30% higher risk of premature death. Not everyone knows the risks associated with playing sports until they get injured. The five most serious sports injuries and how they can be treated are:

  • Ankle Sprain: Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) are the most common treatments.
  • ACL Tear: Surgery may be necessary to repair the tear.
  • Concussion: Rest and avoiding activities that could worsen symptoms are recommended.
  • Rotator Cuff Injury: Physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed.
  • Shin Splints: Resting and icing the area can help reduce pain and swelling.
Downloading the myHealth360 app provides convenient access to a variety of medical services. Fitness trackers (and smartwatches) have seen an improvement in accuracy, reliability, and reputation in recent years. There are also many small steps you can take to improve your overall health and quality of life.

These steps are easy to incorporate into your routine and maintain over the long term. Mindfulness has been linked with reduced stress and anxiety; improved sleep, mood, attention, and concentration; and better management of pain and chronic diseases.