Managing a Chronic Condition for Improved Health and Wellbeing

Having a chronic illness can be a difficult and stressful experience. It is important to take the necessary steps to manage your condition and improve your health and wellbeing. To do this, it is essential to make a plan, learn as much as you can about your illness, take care of your mental health, and find ways to relieve stress. Additionally, it is important to ask for help when needed and to talk to your healthcare provider for advice on stress management.

Eating a healthy diet is also key in preventing and controlling chronic diseases. If you have a family history of chronic conditions, you are more likely to get that disease yourself. It is important to remember to take care of yourself during difficult times. Studies have shown that the number of relationships you have and their quality can affect physical and mental health. Quitting smoking (or never starting) can reduce the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and lung disease.

Doctors should talk to their patients about what high cholesterol is, what their levels mean, and what they can do to improve them. If you need help managing your mental health, there are trained professionals who can help you design a treatment plan that fits your specific needs. Preventing and managing chronic diseases often requires patients to make healthy lifestyle changes and adjustments to their daily routines. By including healthy behaviors in your daily life, you can prevent conditions such as high blood pressure or obesity, which increase your risk of developing the most common and serious chronic diseases. The National Advocacy Update urges to protect the benefits of telehealth prescribing, among others.

The Prioritizing Equity video series examines how equity in healthcare determines care during the COVID-19 pandemic.